Chailease Berjaya Finance Corp.

Scammer Alert "Mansibang"


CHAILEASE BERJAYA FINANCE CORPORATION (CBFC) is NOT affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with Mansibang Trucking & Aggregates, Mansibang Industrial Incorporated, Mansibang Financing, MII Organization, Mansibang Group, or any person or entity claiming or using the name “Mansibang”. The general public is hereby warned against dealing with these individuals or entities claiming to be connected with CBFC either by presenting fake calling cards and other identification cards, including the use of CBFC official logos, application forms, for personal or financial gain, to facilitate and/or process the application and/or release of various loan products of CBFC for the acquisition and release of motor vehicles from various car and truck dealerships.

Any transactions with them shall be at your own risks and will NOT be honored by CBFC.

The public is hereby directed to report these individuals, entities or groups representing, soliciting, asking money or any consideration, related to CBFC transactions, or for facilitating CBFC loan products and services and any other similar activities to